Collier Butler Obits (2025)

1. Collier-Butler - Quad Cities Daily

  • Funeral services will be 12:30 PM Friday, June 21, 2024 at Collier-Butler Funeral Home for Earline Ruby Jenkins, age 91 of Gadsden, who passed away Friday, June ...

  • Collier-ButlerObituaries

Collier-Butler - Quad Cities Daily

2. Collier-Butler Funeral Home | Gadsden AL - Facebook

  • Collier-Butler Funeral Home is honored to serve the family of Mr. Harry D. Butler of Rainbow City, AL. DIGNITYMEMORIAL.COM. Harry Butler Obituary - Gadsden, AL.

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

3. Collier-Butler Funeral Home | Obituaries | Goshen News

4. Collier-Butler Funeral Home | Obituaries | The Cullman Times

  • Obituaries and announcements from Collier-Butler Funeral Home, as published in The Cullman Times.

  • Obituaries and announcements from Collier-Butler Funeral Home, as published in The Cullman Times

5. Marie Collier Butler Obituary - Visitation & Funeral Information

  • View Marie Collier Butler's Tribute Wall album.

  • Share Memories and Support the Family.

Marie Collier Butler Obituary - Visitation & Funeral Information

6. Marie Collier Butler Obituary - Visitation & Funeral Information

  • 3 apr 2019 · Louis, May 7, 1928, in Vicksburg, MS. Marie graduated from Hattiesburg High School, Hattiesburg, MS, in 1946. ... Collier Campbell. A few nephews ...

  • Share Memories and Support the Family.

Marie Collier Butler Obituary - Visitation & Funeral Information

7. Obituaries in Gadsden, AL

  • Gadsden Times obituaries and death notices. Remembering the lives of those we've lost ... Keith... Collier-Butler Funeral Home.

  • Gadsden Times obituaries and death notices. Remembering the lives of those we've lost.

8. Joe Butler Obituary - 2024 - Collier Funeral Home - Tribute Archive

  • 4 dagen geleden · Joe Butler, 66, of Murray, passed away on Friday, July 5, 2024 at Anna Mae Owen Residential Hospice House in Murray.

  • February 8, 1958 - July 5, 2024, Joe Butler passed away on July 5, 2024 in Benton, Kentucky. Funeral Home Services for J...

9. collier butler funeral home obits

  • </plaintext></p><xmp>.</xmp></li><li><p>Looker Studio turns your data into informative dashboards and reports that are easy to read, easy to share, and fully customizable.</p></li></ul><a href="/goto?target=eyJpdiI6IlRhSUQyMjQydUZzYUdlckQ0c1Nzc2c9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiZ2kwdUhwdHlTMnkrczBLRTJuMFJPRGdoSHcrT2VscWtQWGsvTjY5MExBa2JiMURhMUxuTG4zNUp6QTFXUTNaZ3djTUpMM0FtZE5kcEpWdlM5MlJvY0E9PSIsIm1hYyI6ImNkOWE2ODNhNDdiNTRjZTA0NWNjYTYyYjdlOWI0YmE4NmMxNjlkN2E3NWM0MDJjY2Q3ODM1OTM0NmE4OWUwNDQiLCJ0YWciOiIifQ%3D%3D&amp;category=1&amp;;jeib=a&amp;kgej=1181" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><img referrerpolicy="no-referrer" class="lazyload mx-auto my-3" data-src=";feature=opengraph" alt="collier butler funeral home obits" onerror="onImageError(this, true)" height="175" width="350" src=""></a><div class="insert flex-center my-6"> <a class="bg-primary-600 font-medium py-2.5 px-8 rounded-full" style="color: white" href="/goto?target=eyJpdiI6IjdneklqRXdxWGtyMWVEeWwyUmgvWmc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoic2hMaTFEZ1lpSHk4YmhmTnpLYUJOSmF3SjBhZk9BQlEzemRwTmZoSjFKQ0tpWG1xMk5ZbzltaWRTSnJ1YXhad2VmbW9FNDlQblEvT2dlUG5DNXBRQmc9PSIsIm1hYyI6IjQ1NjA5ODUzYjc4YWExMTg1Y2VlZWYyZGQyYjhjOTRmNDBiMmFlNmEwM2ViMzc2MDAwYzI2OTQ5NDE1M2M0NGEiLCJ0YWciOiIifQ%3D%3D&amp;category=1&amp;;jeib=a&amp;kgej=1181" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">See details <span class="text-lg ml-1 inline-block rotate-90">›</span></a> </div> <h2 id="toc-9"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" style="border-bottom: none;">10. All Obituaries | Butler Funeral Home | Roseboro NC funeral home and ...</a></h2><ul><li><p>All Obituaries - Butler Funeral Home offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations, serving Roseboro, ...</p></li><li><p>All Obituaries - Butler Funeral Home offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations, serving Roseboro, NC, Stedman, NC, , NC and the surrounding communities. We also offer funeral pre-planning and carry a wide selection of caskets, vaults, urns and burial containers.</p></li></ul><div class="insert flex-center my-6"> <a class="bg-primary-600 font-medium py-2.5 px-8 rounded-full" style="color: white" href="/goto?target=eyJpdiI6IjRvYVZCWEtwVVd2VFpzNlhLVndNb1E9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiSkFWblJtRDJEZU9sSmx2dGxHbUtSR1l4KzlMRnpTeFhYK1ZjcnFHK2xyb1NCQ1Q3MnByV0htZVlDOWxuVk5YbCIsIm1hYyI6ImZmODBiZDM4OThlOGZmZjViNGViNDE3YTE4ZDk0NWIyYWQ5NWViMmEzYzAyMDhlYzUwNjRmOTQyY2JkZGYyZWIiLCJ0YWciOiIifQ%3D%3D&amp;category=1&amp;;jeib=a&amp;kgej=1181" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">See details <span class="text-lg ml-1 inline-block rotate-90">›</span></a> </div> <h2 id="toc-10"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" style="border-bottom: none;">11. Obituary for Jean Fettig | January 4, 2024 - Butler Funeral Home</a></h2><ul><li><p>9 jan 2024 · Obituary for Jean Collier (Weeks) Fettig | Hillsborough ...</p></li><li><p>Share memories &amp; support the family</p></li></ul><a href="/goto?target=eyJpdiI6IjhHMTVrcXBQNnM5NFJUTkFtQ3JGTEE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiT25NUjB6bjBaL3dPWXlnQXRyYk8xdWFCU3AxOExNaUxXNHpKZTA1M3FGSXdLZ2xHUVZQazRwN3VDWmJ2a3ZPSDVFNkVvSHlON3pLaXNYd08zaUxYdUE9PSIsIm1hYyI6IjM2Y2M5ZTBjMTM1NDM3NmY4MjU5ZDhhMTg4ZjQ1MDkyNzY4ODhiYTgzODg3ZDhiZTdlNDEyZDU3NDYyMWNiODMiLCJ0YWciOiIifQ%3D%3D&amp;category=1&amp;;jeib=a&amp;kgej=1181" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><img referrerpolicy="no-referrer" class="lazyload mx-auto my-3" data-src="" alt="Obituary for Jean Fettig | January 4, 2024 - Butler Funeral Home" onerror="onImageError(this, true)" height="175" width="350" src=""></a><div class="insert flex-center my-6"> <a class="bg-primary-600 font-medium py-2.5 px-8 rounded-full" style="color: white" href="/goto?target=eyJpdiI6ImNXNGpqbW5nSFhwVnlIYytVUFNSQVE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiRlAvK0RleHZxZWZjR0l3RXh1b2hHeG80L0ZDTENVMjBaRExlNWI5OWcrSElaRG05NEdPQzVqS1daZWFTd0x2N1ZlVHU4TzJnUmIrR1V6dm9FVFNFVXc9PSIsIm1hYyI6Ijg3ZDA5NjI2ODdlNWU4YTM4ZTcwYjVkNjJlODk3MDE4MDFjMjhkZGU0Zjg2ZjQ0MjI4MWQ2ZDk4MTQwMWFhMmQiLCJ0YWciOiIifQ%3D%3D&amp;category=1&amp;;jeib=a&amp;kgej=1181" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">See details <span class="text-lg ml-1 inline-block rotate-90">›</span></a> </div></section> <img class="lazyload" data-src=" Butler Obits (2025)" alt="Collier Butler Obits (2025)" src=""/> <section> </section> </article> <div class="text-2xl font-semibold mt-5 mb-5">Top Articles</div> <div class="container-doc"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="group mb-20 flex flex-col items-center"> <img class="lazyload h-56 object-cover" data-src=" City Hospital" src=""/> <div class="group-hover:text-primary-500 block font-medium mt-5 text-2xl"> Mediclinic City Hospital </div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="group mb-20 flex flex-col items-center"> <img class="lazyload h-56 object-cover" data-src=" is Facilities Maintenance Management (FMM): A Modern Approach" src=""/> <div class="group-hover:text-primary-500 block font-medium mt-5 text-2xl"> What is Facilities Maintenance Management (FMM): A Modern Approach </div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="group mb-20 flex flex-col items-center"> <img class="lazyload h-56 object-cover" data-src=" Management 101: Everything You Should Know" src=""/> <div class="group-hover:text-primary-500 block font-medium mt-5 text-2xl"> Facility Management 101: Everything You Should Know </div> </a> </div> <div class="text-2xl font-semibold mt-5 mb-5">Latest Posts</div> <div class="container-doc"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="group mb-20 flex flex-col items-center"> <img class="lazyload h-56 object-cover" data-src=" Settlers Shop" src=""/> <div class="group-hover:text-primary-500 block font-medium mt-5 text-2xl"> Poe Settlers Shop </div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="group mb-20 flex flex-col items-center"> <img class="lazyload h-56 object-cover" data-src=" Saunders Xenia Ohio Accident" src=""/> <div class="group-hover:text-primary-500 block font-medium mt-5 text-2xl"> Remi Saunders Xenia Ohio Accident </div> </a> </div> <div class="text-2xl font-semibold mt-5 mb-5">Recommended Articles</div> <div class="container-doc mb-5"> <ul class="ml-5 list-disc break-all"> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" > 10k 15ml 52535 Bus Offensive Lineman Drills Videos Cancion Tiempo. </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" > Buy The Walking Dead, Season 10 - Microsoft Store </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" > Fitness Gaming App Market Size, Share, &amp; Growth 2025-2035 </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" > Foundation - Makeup | Ulta Beauty </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" > Rutten Klus en Afbouw | Oosterwolde (01161120) </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" > Eiwitten &amp; Aminozuren - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Veganisme </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" > The Best Types of Massage Therapy </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" > The Girl in a Swing | AI-powered Movie Search </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" > Best 250 Pregnancy Test Doctors in - Book now | Tebcan </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" > Understanding Lunar Phases: The Key Differences Between Waxing and Waning Moons </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" > The Ultimate Guide to Tattoo Needles </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" > tModLoader - Anybody know a mod that can reveal the entire map to a player? 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