One Call API: weather data for any geographical coordinate (2024)

The One Call API 2.5 has been deprecated on June 2024. Please read the detailed guide for transitioning to the more advanced One Call API 3.0 which includes several useful upgrades like 45 years of history archive, daily aggregation and human-readable daily summary in comparison with the One Call API 2.5 version. Read more about One Call API 3.0 on the product documentation page and FAQ.

Make just one API call and get all your essential weather data for a specific location with our new OpenWeather One Call API 2.5. Easy migration from the Dark Sky API.

The One Call API 2.5 provides the following weather data for any geographical coordinates:

  • Current weather
  • Minute forecast for 1 hour
  • Hourly forecast for 48 hours
  • Daily forecast for 7 days
  • National weather alerts
  • Historical weather data for the previous 5 days

Current and forecast weather data

To get access to current weather, minute forecast for 1 hour, hourly forecast for 48 hours, daily forecast for 7 days and government weather alerts, please use this section of the documentation.

If you are interested in historical weather data, please read the "Historical weather data" section.

How to make an API call

API call{lat}&lon={lon}&exclude={part}&appid={API key}

lat, lon required Geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude)
appid required Your unique API key (you can always find it on your account page under the "API key" tab)
exclude optional By using this parameter you can exclude some parts of the weather data from the API response. It should be a comma-delimited list (without spaces).

Available values:

  • current
  • minutely
  • hourly
  • daily
  • alerts
units optional Units of measurement. standard, metric and imperial units are available. If you do not use the units parameter, standard units will be applied by default. Learn more
lang optional You can use the lang parameter to get the output in your language. Learn more

Example of API call,daily&appid={API key}

Example of API response

Example of API response

 { "lat": 33.44, "lon": -94.04, "timezone": "America/Chicago", "timezone_offset": -21600, "current": { "dt": 1618317040, "sunrise": 1618282134, "sunset": 1618333901, "temp": 284.07, "feels_like": 282.84, "pressure": 1019, "humidity": 62, "dew_point": 277.08, "uvi": 0.89, "clouds": 0, "visibility": 10000, "wind_speed": 6, "wind_deg": 300, "weather": [ { "id": 500, "main": "Rain", "description": "light rain", "icon": "10d" } ], "rain": { "1h": 0.21 } }, "minutely": [ { "dt": 1618317060, "precipitation": 0.205 }, ... }, "hourly": [ { "dt": 1618315200, "temp": 282.58, "feels_like": 280.4, "pressure": 1019, "humidity": 68, "dew_point": 276.98, "uvi": 1.4, "clouds": 19, "visibility": 306, "wind_speed": 4.12, "wind_deg": 296, "wind_gust": 7.33, "weather": [ { "id": 801, "main": "Clouds", "description": "few clouds", "icon": "02d" } ], "pop": 0 }, ... } "daily": [ { "dt": 1618308000, "sunrise": 1618282134, "sunset": 1618333901, "moonrise": 1618284960, "moonset": 1618339740, "moon_phase": 0.04, "temp": { "day": 279.79, "min": 275.09, "max": 284.07, "night": 275.09, "eve": 279.21, "morn": 278.49 }, "feels_like": { "day": 277.59, "night": 276.27, "eve": 276.49, "morn": 276.27 }, "pressure": 1020, "humidity": 81, "dew_point": 276.77, "wind_speed": 3.06, "wind_deg": 294, "weather": [ { "id": 500, "main": "Rain", "description": "light rain", "icon": "10d" } ], "clouds": 56, "pop": 0.2, "rain": 0.62, "uvi": 1.93 }, ... }, "alerts": [ { "sender_name": "NWS Tulsa", "event": "Heat Advisory", "start": 1597341600, "end": 1597366800, "description": "...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO\n8 PM CDT THIS EVENING...\n* WHAT...Heat index values of 105 to 109 degrees expected.\n* WHERE...Creek, Okfuskee, Okmulgee, McIntosh, Pittsburg,\nLatimer, Pushmataha, and Choctaw Counties.\n* WHEN...From 1 PM to 8 PM CDT Thursday.\n* IMPACTS...The combination of hot temperatures and high\nhumidity will combine to create a dangerous situation in which\nheat illnesses are possible.", "tags": [ "Extreme temperature value" ] }, ... ]  

Fields in API response

  • lat Geographical coordinates of the location (latitude)
  • lon Geographical coordinates of the location (longitude)
  • timezone Timezone name for the requested location
  • timezone_offset Shift in seconds from UTC
  • current Current weather data API response
    • current.dt Current time, Unix, UTC
    • current.sunrise Sunrise time, Unix, UTC
    • current.sunset Sunset time, Unix, UTC
    • current.temp Temperature. Units - default: kelvin, metric: Celsius, imperial: Fahrenheit. How to change units used
    • current.feels_like Temperature. This temperature parameter accounts for the human perception of weather. Units – default: kelvin, metric: Celsius, imperial: Fahrenheit.
    • current.pressure Atmospheric pressure on the sea level, hPa
    • current.humidity Humidity, %
    • current.dew_point Atmospheric temperature (varying according to pressure and humidity) below which water droplets begin to condense and dew can form. Units – default: kelvin, metric: Celsius, imperial: Fahrenheit.
    • current.clouds Cloudiness, %
    • current.uvi Current UV index
    • current.visibility Average visibility, metres. The maximum value of the visibility is 10km
    • current.wind_speed Wind speed. Wind speed. Units – default: metre/sec, metric: metre/sec, imperial: miles/hour. How to change units used
    • current.wind_gust (where available) Wind gust. Units – default: metre/sec, metric: metre/sec, imperial: miles/hour. How to change units used
    • current.wind_deg Wind direction, degrees (meteorological)
    • current.rain
      • current.rain.1h (where available) Rain, mm/h
    • current.snow
      • current.snow.1h (where available) Precipitation, mm/h
      • Weather condition id
      • Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.)
      • Weather condition within the group (full list of weather conditions). Get the output in your language
      • Weather icon id. How to get icons
  • minutely Minute forecast weather data API response
    • minutely.dt Time of the forecasted data, unix, UTC
    • minutely.precipitation Precipitation, mm/h
  • hourly Hourly forecast weather data API response
    • hourly.dt Time of the forecasted data, Unix, UTC
    • hourly.temp Temperature. Units – default: kelvin, metric: Celsius, imperial: Fahrenheit. How to change units used
    • hourly.feels_like Temperature. This accounts for the human perception of weather. Units – default: kelvin, metric: Celsius, imperial: Fahrenheit.
    • hourly.pressure Atmospheric pressure on the sea level, hPa
    • hourly.humidity Humidity, %
    • hourly.dew_point Atmospheric temperature (varying according to pressure and humidity) below which water droplets begin to condense and dew can form. Units – default: kelvin, metric: Celsius, imperial: Fahrenheit.
    • hourly.uvi UV index
    • hourly.clouds Cloudiness, %
    • hourly.visibility Average visibility, metres. The maximum value of the visibility is 10km
    • hourly.wind_speed Wind speed. Units – default: metre/sec, metric: metre/sec, imperial: miles/hour.How to change units used
    • hourly.wind_gust (where available) Wind gust. Units – default: metre/sec, metric: metre/sec, imperial: miles/hour. How to change units used
    • chourly.wind_deg Wind direction, degrees (meteorological)
    • hourly.pop Probability of precipitation. The values of the parameter vary between 0 and 1, where 0 is equal to 0%, 1 is equal to 100%
    • hourly.rain
      • hourly.rain.1h (where available) Rain, mm/h
    • hourly.snow
      • hourly.snow.1h (where available) Precipitation, mm/h
      • Weather condition id
      • Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.)
      • Weather condition within the group (full list of weather conditions). Get the output in your language
      • Weather icon id. How to get icons
  • daily Daily forecast weather data API response
    • daily.dt Time of the forecasted data, Unix, UTC
    • daily.sunrise Sunrise time, Unix, UTC
    • daily.sunset Sunset time, Unix, UTC
    • daily.moonrise The time of when the moon rises for this day, Unix, UTC
    • daily.moonset The time of when the moon sets for this day, Unix, UTC
    • daily.moon_phase Moon phase. 0 and 1 are 'new moon', 0.25 is 'first quarter moon', 0.5 is 'full moon' and 0.75 is 'last quarter moon'. The periods in between are called 'waxing crescent', 'waxing gibous', 'waning gibous', and 'waning crescent', respectively.
    • daily.temp Units – default: kelvin, metric: Celsius, imperial: Fahrenheit. How to change units used
      • daily.temp.morn Morning temperature.
      • Day temperature.
      • daily.temp.eve Evening temperature.
      • daily.temp.night Night temperature.
      • daily.temp.min Min daily temperature.
      • daily.temp.max Max daily temperature.
    • daily.feels_like This accounts for the human perception of weather. Units – default: kelvin, metric: Celsius, imperial: Fahrenheit. How to change units used
      • daily.feels_like.morn Morning temperature.
      • Day temperature.
      • daily.feels_like.eve Evening temperature.
      • daily.feels_like.night Night temperature.
    • daily.pressure Atmospheric pressure on the sea level, hPa
    • daily.humidity Humidity, %
    • daily.dew_point Atmospheric temperature (varying according to pressure and humidity) below which water droplets begin to condense and dew can form. Units – default: kelvin, metric: Celsius, imperial: Fahrenheit.
    • daily.wind_speed Wind speed. Units – default: metre/sec, metric: metre/sec, imperial: miles/hour. How to change units used
    • daily.wind_gust (where available) Wind gust. Units – default: metre/sec, metric: metre/sec, imperial: miles/hour. How to change units used
    • daily.wind_deg Wind direction, degrees (meteorological)
    • daily.clouds Cloudiness, %
    • daily.uvi The maximum value of UV index for the day
    • daily.pop Probability of precipitation. The values of the parameter vary between 0 and 1, where 0 is equal to 0%, 1 is equal to 100%
    • daily.rain (where available) Rain volume, mm
    • daily.snow (where available) Snow volume, mm
      • Weather condition id
      • Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.)
      • Weather condition within the group (full list of weather conditions). Get the output in your language
      • Weather icon id. How to get icons
  • alerts National weather alerts data from major national weather warning systems
    • alerts.sender_name Name of the alert source. Please read here the full list of alert sources
    • alerts.event Alert event name
    • alerts.start Date and time of the start of the alert, Unix, UTC
    • alerts.end Date and time of the end of the alert, Unix, UTC
    • alerts.description Description of the alert
    • alerts.tags Type of severe weather

National weather alerts are provided in English by default.
Please note that some agencies provide the alert’s description only in a local language.

Historical weather data

To learn about how get access to historical weather data for the previous 5 days, please use this section of the documentation.

If you are interested in current weather data, forecasts and weather alerts please read the "Current and forecast weather data" section.

How to make an API call

API call{lat}&lon={lon}&dt={time}&appid={API key}

lat, lon required Geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude)
dt required Date from the previous five days (Unix time, UTC time zone), e.g. dt=1586468027
appid required Your unique API key (you can always find it on your account page under the "API key" tab)
only_current optional By using this parameter you can exclude full historical weather data for the specified day, but received the data for only the specified timestamp. If the user specifies this parameter, then the API response will contain only the current section.

To activate this option, please use default value only_current = {true}.
Please find the example of the API call below.

units optional Units of measurement. standard, metric and imperial units are available. If you do not use the units parameter, standard units will be applied by default. Learn more
lang optional You can use the lang parameter to get the output in your language. Learn more

Please note that in order to get historical data for the last five days, you need to make five API calls (one call for each day).

In case you need historical data only for the specified timestamp (not the whole day), we strongly recommend you to use the parameter only_current={true}.

Examples of API call

Example of the API call to get all historical weather data for a day, covered by specified timestamp:{API key}

Example of the API call to get historical weather data only for the specified timestamp:{API key}&only_current={true}

  { "lat": 60, "lon": 30, "timezone": "Europe/Moscow", "timezone_offset": 10800, "current": { "dt": 1650445666, "sunrise": 1650421749, "sunset": 1650475701, "temp": 281.26, "feels_like": 278.73, "pressure": 1026, "humidity": 65, "dew_point": 275.08, "uvi": 2.83, "clouds": 99, "visibility": 10000, "wind_speed": 4.21, "wind_deg": 80, "wind_gust": 7.81, "weather": [ { "id": 804, "main": "Clouds", "description": "overcast clouds", "icon": "04d" } ] }}  

Example of API response

Example of API response

  { "lat": 60.99, "lon": 30.9, "timezone": "Europe/Moscow", "timezone_offset": 10800" "current": { "dt": 1586468027, "sunrise": 1586487424, "sunset": 1586538297, "temp": 274.31, "feels_like": 269.79, "pressure": 1006, "humidity": 72, "dew_point": 270.21, "clouds": 0, "visibility": 10000, "wind_speed": 3, "wind_deg": 260, "weather": [ { "id": 800, "main": "Clear", "description": "clear sky", "icon": "01n" } ] }, "hourly": [ { "dt": 1586390400, "temp": 278.41, "feels_like": 269.43, "pressure": 1006, "humidity": 65, "dew_point": 272.46, "clouds": 0, "wind_speed": 9.83, "wind_deg": 60, "wind_gust": 15.65, "weather": [ { "id": 800, "main": "Clear", "description": "clear sky", "icon": "01n" } ] }, ... }  

Fields in API response

  • lat Geographical coordinates of the location (latitude)
  • lon Geographical coordinates of the location (longitude)
  • timezone Timezone name for the requested location
  • timezone_offset Shift in seconds from UTC
  • current Data point dt refers to the requested time, rather than the current time
    • current.dt Requested time, Unix, UTC
    • current.sunrise Sunrise time, Unix, UTC
    • current.sunset Sunset time, Unix, UTC
    • current.temp Temperature. Units – default: kelvin, metric: Celsius, imperial: Fahrenheit. How to change units used
    • current.feels_like Temperature. This accounts for the human perception of weather. Units – default: kelvin, metric: Celsius, imperial: Fahrenheit.
    • current.pressure Atmospheric pressure on the sea level, hPa
    • current.humidity Humidity, %
    • current.dew_point Atmospheric temperature (varying according to pressure and humidity) below which water droplets begin to condense and dew can form. Units – default: kelvin, metric: Celsius, imperial: Fahrenheit.
    • current.clouds Cloudiness, %
    • current.uvi Midday UV index
    • current.visibility Average visibility, metres. The maximum value of the visibility is 10km
    • current.wind_speed Wind speed. Units – default: metre/sec, metric: metre/sec, imperial: miles/hour. How to change units used
    • current.wind_gust (where available) Wind gust. Wind speed. Units – default: metre/sec, metric: metre/sec, imperial: miles/hour. How to change units used
    • current.wind_deg Wind direction, degrees (meteorological)
    • current.rain (where available) Precipitation, mm/h
    • current.snow (where available) Precipitation, mm/h
      • Weather condition id
      • Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.)
      • Weather condition within the group (full list of weather conditions). Get the output in your language
      • Weather icon id. How to get icons
  • hourly Data block contains hourly historical data starting at 00:00 on the requested day and continues until 23:59 on the same day (UTC time)
    • hourly.dt Time of historical data, Unix, UTC
    • hourly.temp Temperature. Units – default: kelvin, metric: Celsius, imperial: Fahrenheit. How to change units used
    • hourly.feels_like Temperature. This accounts for the human perception of weather. Units – default: kelvin, metric: Celsius, imperial: Fahrenheit.
    • hourly.pressure Atmospheric pressure on the sea level, hPa
    • hourly.humidity Humidity, %
    • hourly.dew_point Atmospheric temperature (varying according to pressure and humidity) below which water droplets begin to condense and dew can form. Units – default: kelvin, metric: Celsius, imperial: Fahrenheit.
    • hourly.clouds Cloudiness, %
    • hourly.visibility Average visibility, metres. The maximum value of the visibility is 10km
    • hourly.wind_speed Wind speed. Wind speed. Units – default: metre/sec, metric: metre/sec, imperial: miles/hour. How to change units used
    • hourly.wind_gust (where available) Wind gust. Units – default: metre/sec, metric: metre/sec, imperial: miles/hour. How to change units used
    • chourly.wind_deg Wind direction, degrees (meteorological)
    • hourly.rain (where available) Precipitation, mm/h
    • hourly.snow (where available) Precipitation, mm/h
      • Weather condition id
      • Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.)
      • Weather condition within the group (full list of weather conditions). Get the output in your language
      • Weather icon id. How to get icons

List of weather condition codes

List of weather condition codes with icons (range of thunderstorm, drizzle, rain, snow, clouds, atmosphere including extreme conditions like tornado, hurricane etc.)

Other features

Units of measurement

standard, metric and imperial units are available.

List of all API parameters with available units

Parameter Description Standard Metric Imperial
lat City geo location, latitude - - -
lon City geo location, longitude - - -
timezone Timezone name for the requested location - - -
timezone_offset Shift in seconds from UTC - - -
Current weather
current.dt Current time unix, UTC unix, UTC unix, UTC
current.sunrise Sunrise time unix, UTC unix, UTC unix, UTC
current.sunset Sunset time unix, UTC unix, UTC unix, UTC
current.temp Temperature Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
current.feels_like Feels like temperature Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
current.humidity Humidity % % %
current.pressure Atmospheric pressure on the sea level hPa hPa hPa
current.dew_point Atmospheric temperature below which water droplets begin to condense and dew can form Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
current.clouds Cloudiness % % %
current.uvi UV index - - -
current.visibility Average visibility Metres Metres Metres
current.wind_speed Wind speed metre/sec metre/sec miles/hour
current.wind_gust Wind gust metre/sec metre/sec miles/hour
current.wind_deg Wind direction degrees (meteorological) degrees (meteorological) degrees (meteorological)
current.rain.1h Rain mm/h mm/h mm/h
current.snow.1h Snow mm/h mm/h mm/h (more info Weather condition codes) Weather condition id - - - Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.) - - - Weather condition within the group - - - Weather icon id - - -
Minute forecast
minutely.dt Current time unix, UTC unix, UTC unix, UTC
minutely.precipitation Precipitation mm/h mm/h mm/h
Hourly forecast
hourly.dt Time of the forecasted data unix, UTC unix, UTC unix, UTC
hourly.temp Temperature Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
hourly.feels_like Feels like temperature Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
hourly.pressure Atmospheric pressure on the sea level hPa hPa hPa
hourly.humidity Humidity % % %
hourly.dew_point Atmospheric temperature below which water droplets begin to condense and dew can form Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
hourly.clouds Cloudiness % % %
hourly.uvi UV index - - -
hourly.visibility Average visibility Metres Metres Metres
hourly.wind_speed Wind speed metre/sec metre/sec miles/hour
hourly.wind_gust Wind gust metre/sec metre/sec miles/hour
hourly.wind_deg Wind direction degrees (meteorological) degrees (meteorological) degrees (meteorological)
hourly.pop Probability of precipitation % % %
hourly.rain.1h Rain mm/h mm/h mm/h
hourly.snow.1h Snow mm/h mm/h mm/h (more info Weather condition codes) Weather condition id - - - Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.) - - - Weather condition within the group - - - Weather icon id - - -
Daily forecast
daily.dt Time of the forecasted data unix, UTC unix, UTC unix, UTC
daily.sunrise Sunrise time unix, UTC unix, UTC unix, UTC
daily.sunset Sunset time unix, UTC unix, UTC unix, UTC
daily.moonrise The time of when the moon rises for this day unix, UTC unix, UTC unix, UTC
daily.moonset The time of when the moon sets for this day unix, UTC unix, UTC unix, UTC
daily.moon_phase Moon phase - - -
daily.temp.morn Morning temperature Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit Day temperature Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
daily.temp.eve Evening temperature Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
daily.temp.night Night temperature Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
daily.temp.min Min daily temperature Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
daily.temp.max Max daily temperature Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
daily.temp.feels_like Morning temperature Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
daily.temp.feels_like Day temperature Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
daily.temp.feels_like Evening temperature Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
daily.temp.feels_like Night temperature Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
daily.pressure Atmospheric pressure on the sea level hPa hPa hPa
daily.humidity Humidity % % %
daily.dew_point Atmospheric temperature below which water droplets begin to condense and dew can form Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit
daily.clouds Cloudiness % % %
daily.uvi UV index - - -
daily.visibility Average visibility Metres Metres Metres
daily.wind_speed Wind speed metre/sec metre/sec miles/hour
daily.wind_gust Wind gust metre/sec metre/sec miles/hour
daily.wind_deg Wind direction degrees (meteorological) degrees (meteorological) degrees (meteorological)
daily.pop Probability of precipitation % % %
daily.rain Rain mm mm mm
daily.snow Snow mm mm mm (more info Weather condition codes) Weather condition id - - - Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.) - - - Weather condition within the group - - - Weather icon id - - -
alerts.sender_name Name of the alert source - - -
alerts.event Alert event name - - -
alerts.start Date and time of the start of the alert unix, UTC unix, UTC unix, UTC
alerts.end Date and time of the end of the alert unix, UTC unix, UTC unix, UTC
alerts.description Description of the alert - - -
alerts.tags Type of severe weather - - -

API call{lat}&lon={lon}&units={units}

units optional Units of measurement. standard, metric and imperial units are available. If you do not use the units parameter, standard units will be applied by default.

Temperature is available in Fahrenheit, Celsius and Kelvin units.

Wind speed is available in miles/hour and metre/sec.

  • For temperature in Fahrenheit and wind speed in miles/hour, use units=imperial
  • For temperature in Celsius and wind speed in metre/sec, use units=metric
  • Temperature in Kelvin and wind speed in metre/sec is used by default, so there is no need to use the units parameter in the API call if you want this

Examples of API calls

Standard (default)



Multilingual support

You can use lang parameter to get the output in your language.

The contents of the description field will be translated.

API call{lat}&lon={lon}&lang={lang}

lang optional You can use the lang parameter to get the output in your language.

Example of API call

We support the following languages. To select one, you can use the corresponding language code:

  • af Afrikaans
  • al Albanian
  • ar Arabic
  • az Azerbaijani
  • bg Bulgarian
  • ca Catalan
  • cz Czech
  • da Danish
  • de German
  • el Greek
  • en English
  • eu Basque
  • fa Persian (Farsi)
  • fi Finnish
  • fr French
  • gl Galician
  • he Hebrew
  • hi Hindi
  • hr Croatian
  • hu Hungarian
  • id Indonesian
  • it Italian
  • ja Japanese
  • kr Korean
  • la Latvian
  • lt Lithuanian
  • mk Macedonian
  • no Norwegian
  • nl Dutch
  • pl Polish
  • pt Portuguese
  • pt_br Português Brasil
  • ro Romanian
  • ru Russian
  • sv, se Swedish
  • sk Slovak
  • sl Slovenian
  • sp, es Spanish
  • sr Serbian
  • th Thai
  • tr Turkish
  • ua, uk Ukrainian
  • vi Vietnamese
  • zh_cn Chinese Simplified
  • zh_tw Chinese Traditional
  • zu Zulu

List of national weather alerts sources

Country Agency
Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority
Albania Institute of GeoSciences, Energy, Water and Environment
Algeria National Meteorological Office
Anguilla Disaster Management Anguilla
Antigua and Barbuda Meteorological Services
Argentina Servicio Meteorologico Nacional
Aruba Meteorological Department of Aruba
  • Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics
  • Water Balance Department
Barbados Department of Emergency Management
Belgium Royal Meteorological Institute
Bosnia and Herzegovin
  • Federal Hydrometeorological Institute of BiH
  • Republic Hydrometeorological Institute
Botswana Department of Meteorological Services
Brazil National Meteorological Institute - INMET
Bulgaria National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology - Plovdiv branch
  • Alberta Emergency Management Agency (Government of Alberta, Ministry of Municipal Affairs)
  • Meteorological Service of Canada
  • Quebec Ministry of Public Safety
Colombia UNGRD (National Unit for Disaster Risk Management)
Croatia State Hydrometeorological Institute (DHMZ)
Cyprus Meteorological Service
Czech Republic Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
Denmark Danmarks Meteorologiske Instituts
Estonia State Weather Service
Federated States of Micronesia
  • Weather Service Office Chuuk
  • Weather Service Office Pohnpei
  • Weather Service Office Yap
Finland Finnish Meteorological Institute
France Meteo-France
Germany German Meteorological Office
Greece Hellenic National Meteorological Service
Guyana Hydrometeorological Service
Hungary Hungarian Meteorological Service
Iceland Icelandic Meteorological Office
India Meteorological Department
  • Agency for Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics of Republic Indonesia (BMKG)
  • InaTEWS BMKG, Earthquake with magnitude 5.0 above
Ireland Met Eireann - Irish Meteorological Service
Israel Meteorological Service
Italy National Center of Meteorology and Aeronautical Climatology (CNMCA)
Jamaica Meteorological Service
Kenya Meteorological Department
Kuwait Meteorological Department
Latvia Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Center
Lithuania Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service
Luxembourg Luxembourg Airport Administration
Madagascar Operational Meteorology
Malawi Meteorological Services
Malta Meteorological Office
Marshall Islands Majuro Weather Service Office
Mexico CONAGUA - National Meteorological Service of Mexico
Moldova State Hydrometeorological Service
Mongolia National Agency for Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring
Montenegro Institute of Hydrometeorology and Seismology
Myanmar Department of Meteorology and Hydrology
Netherlands Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute
New Zealand
  • GNS Science
  • MetService
  • National Emergency Management Agency
North Macedonia Republic Hydrometeorological Organization
  • Norwegian Meteorological Institute
  • Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate
Oman Directorate General of Meteorology
Palau Weather Service Office
Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Meteorological Service
Paraguay Directorate of Meteorology and Hydrology
Philippines Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration
Poland Institute of Meteorology and Water Management
Portugal Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere, I.P.
Romania National Meteorological Administration
Russia Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring
Saint Lucia Meteorological Services
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Meteorological Services
Samoa Meteorology Division
Senegal National Agency of Civil Aviation and Meteorology
Serbia Republic Hydrometeorological Institute
Slovakia Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute
Slovenia National Meteorological Service
Solomon Islands Meteorological Service
South Africa South Africa Weather Service
Spain Meteorology Statal Agency
Suriname Suriname Meteorological Service
Sweden Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
Switzerland MeteoSwiss, Bundesamt für Meteorologie und Klimatologie
Tanzania Meteorological Authority
Thailand Thai Meteorological Department
Tonga Tonga Meteorological Service
Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Met Office
United States
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Air Quality Alerts
  • Integrated Public Alerrt and Warning System (IPAWS)
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Tsunami Warning Center
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Weather Service
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Weather Service - Marine Zones
  • U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Volcano Hazard Program
Vanuatu Meteorological Services
Zimbabwe Meteorological Services Department

Please note that some agencies from the list may cease to provide us the weather alert information.
In case you don’t receive alerts from any agency, please contact us.
We constantly work on our product’s improvement and keep expanding the list of partner agencies.

Call back function for JavaScript code

To use JavaScript code you can transfer callback functionName to JSONP callback.

API call example

 test({ "lat": 40.12, "lon": -96.66, "timezone": "America/Chicago", "timezone_offset": -18000, "current": { "dt": 1595243443, "sunrise": 1595243663, "sunset": 1595296278, "temp": 293.28, "feels_like": 293.82, "pressure": 1016, "humidity": 100, "dew_point": 293.28, "uvi": 10.64, "clouds": 90, "visibility": 10000, "wind_speed": 4.6, "wind_deg": 310, "weather": [ { "id": 501, "main": "Rain", "description": "moderate rain", "icon": "10n" }, { "id": 201, "main": "Thunderstorm", "description": "thunderstorm with rain", "icon": "11n" } ], "rain": { "1h": 2.93 } }, "minutely": [ { "dt": 1595243460, "precipitation": 2.928 }, ... }, "hourly": [ { "dt": 1595242800, "temp": 293.28, "feels_like": 293.82, "pressure": 1016, "humidity": 100, "dew_point": 293.28, "clouds": 90, "visibility": 10000, "wind_speed": 4.6, "wind_deg": 123, "weather": [ { "id": 501, "main": "Rain", "description": "moderate rain", "icon": "10n" } ], "pop": 0.99, "rain": { "1h": 2.46 } }, ... }"daily": [ { "dt": 1595268000, "sunrise": 1595243663, "sunset": 1595296278, "temp": { "day": 298.82, "min": 293.25, "max": 301.9, "night": 293.25, "eve": 299.72, "morn": 293.48 }, "feels_like": { "day": 300.06, "night": 292.46, "eve": 300.87, "morn": 293.75 }, "pressure": 1014, "humidity": 82, "dew_point": 295.52, "wind_speed": 5.22, "wind_deg": 146, "weather": [ { "id": 502, "main": "Rain", "description": "heavy intensity rain", "icon": "10d" } ], "clouds": 97, "pop": 1, "rain": 12.57, "uvi": 10.64 }, ... },"alerts": [ { "sender_name": "NWS Tulsa (Eastern Oklahoma)", "event": "Heat Advisory", "start": 1597341600, "end": 1597366800, "description": "...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO\n8 PM CDT THIS EVENING...\n* WHAT...Heat index values of 105 to 109 degrees expected.\n* WHERE...Creek, Okfuskee, Okmulgee, McIntosh, Pittsburg,\nLatimer, Pushmataha, and Choctaw Counties.\n* WHEN...From 1 PM to 8 PM CDT Thursday.\n* IMPACTS...The combination of hot temperatures and high\nhumidity will combine to create a dangerous situation in which\nheat illnesses are possible." }, ... ] })  
One Call API: weather data for any geographical coordinate (2024)
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Article information

Author: Duncan Muller

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Views: 6285

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.