The murky blue depths of Subnautica can be both beautiful and utterly frightening at times. From exotic Coral Reefs the color of rainbows to the sulfur-spewing volcanic clouds of the Lava Zone, the game really captures that terrifying alien world beneath the waves. Now there's a new monster mod making waves and it's leaving players scared to go back into the sea of Subnautica.
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Dubbed the Gargantuan Leviathan mod, this frightening addition to Subnautica was made by Space Cat Creations, a team of modders who originally released a trailer to showcase this gigantic beast on YouTube. The mod is still under development for now but with its growing popularity with fans, this supersized sea beast could terrorize the oceans of Planet 4546B in no time at all. So with that in mind, here are a few interesting facts that you might not have known about the Gargantuan Leviathan Mod.
Updated February 3, 2024 By Matthew Mckeown: Two years since our last check-in, and unfortunately, the Gargantuan Leviathan Mod is still not out yet. Unless you’re a YouTuber or Streamer who’s covering the progress of the game or have some extra cash to burn, you’re just going to have to wait for it to come out like the rest of us, if it ever does.
However, we do have some new details to share about the progress of the Mod since our last check as there have been some interesting developments since it first went into production back in December of 2020. So here’s an updated look at everything you need to know about the Gargantuan Leviathan Mod in Subnautica.
20 It's Based On A Real Skeleton In The Game

Unlike most monster mods for games that are based on fan designs, the general idea for the Gargantuan Leviathan came from a real monster skull found in the game. Luckily it's long extinct, but its massive bones remain for players to stumble upon.
Naturally, fans in the Community have often speculated what the significance of this monstrous skull along with some other oddities found in the game could mean and if such a huge creature was somewhere in the game. Divers brave enough to confront this massive monstrous relic can find it in the Lost River Biome. The skull itself is a massive 100 meters in length, so you can already estimate how big the real version is in the mod as the head alone is bigger than the Sea Dragon Leviathan.
19 It's The Biggest Leviathan So Far

There are a number of really massive fish in Subnautica. From the passive Rays and herbivores to the aggressive sharks and other predators skulking around, most of the fauna in the seas of 4546B is much bigger than you. But one species that dwarfs them all is the Leviathan class. There are a number of different variants in the game already and some of them such as Reaper Leviathan are pretty massive, but the Gargantuan outsizes them all.
Although there are no set final dimensions yet as to how big the creature can be as is still under development, there are still some signs of what the mod team has in mind. When this roaming giant is scanned the mod includes lore that explains the Juveniles of the species can range in size up to 900 meters, whilst fully grown adults can be as much as three miles long, which is absolutely massive.
As the mod has gone further into development, the Gargantuan Leviathan has only gotten larger.
18 It Does A Lot Of Damage

Aside from its absolutely massive size and those huge jaws filled with colossal sharp teeth, the other big threat from this beast is that it does a ridiculous amount of damage. In most cases, all it takes is one bite to send you straight to the respawn screen.
This big monster currently does 100 percent of the player's health bar with one big chomp when outside or inside any submersible vehicle. Although, if you want to give yourself a very minor chance at escaping unscathed it's highly recommended you bring along the Prawn Suit as it only does around 70 percent of your health when you're inside that tough suit of mecha armor.
17 It’s Seemingly Invulnerable

Most of the monsters in Subnautica you can fight back against, to varying degrees of success depending on how tough your tech is. Unfortunately, that same approach doesn't float with the Gargantuan Leviathan.
This looming Sea God is seemingly invulnerable to most if not all damage. However, this could hopefully change in the future to give underwater explorers more of a fighting chance. For now, your only option should you encounter one that turns hostile is to turn tail and run.
16 There Is A Baby Version

Though it’s only been seen in a few videos, there’s a dedicated information page on the mod wiki and the devs have confirmed there is a Juvenile Gargantuan Leviathan. Substantially smaller than its older counterparts, the baby Garg is not hostile and will swim around and play with you when you’re able to obtain it as a pet.
Though the method of how you do this is unknown, its behavior is similar to the Cuddlefish and according to its databank entry, it will act hostile towards any creatures that attack its adopted parent. This is pretty handy considering it’s the size of a Cyclops Submarine and just as nippy as a Sea Moth, so it’s the perfect underwater guard dog.
The juvenile Gargantuan will also attack much larger Leviathans and there's no real limit to how big of a scrap this plucky critter will pick.
15 It Seems To Have An Energy Drain

Though a Sea Moth, Cyclops, or Prawn Suit is your best way to escape or at least survive a Subnautica Gargantuan Leviathan encounter (albeit briefly). This gigantic monster can, rather worryingly, use your technology against you.
According to those who have run into it in the Subnautica Community, this beast can also feed off the energy of your vehicles. Batteries that were full can be drained incredibly quickly and what was once your quickest way to escape, instantly becomes a metal tomb. Turning you essentially into a floating lunch box for these mega-mouthed monsters.
14 It's Not The Fastest

Though the Gargantuan Leviathan has a lot of strength right off the bat that makes it quite the super predator, it does have one little flaw. It's not particularly quick. Though it can catch you out with short bursts should you get too close, you can still outrun it should you need to.
Unlike its smaller cousins that quickly cruise around the oceans of Planet 4546B, thanks to the huge size of this particular fiend it has a hard time keeping up with you. Sea Moths are particularly useful around this creature as you can zip away easily should it start eying you up for lunch.
Thanks to the inclusion of alien tech, you can also give your vehicles an Ion Drive which provides a super speedy boost to safety. However just be careful you don't crash.
13 The Mod's Still Not Out Yet

Whilst images and videos of the mod are already on YouTube, the add-on itself is not available to easily download just yet. What's been released so far is an early access build with feature creep and it's mostly been to Influencers and other creators in a way to showcase the creature.
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Although there is no set date on the release just yet, one of the team did confirm in a Reddit post that it would be compatible with VR when it comes out. So get ready to look around you in terror for those massive teeth taking a bite out of your behind when the mod eventually comes out for public access.
12 It Glows When Hunting Players

Realizing when an encounter with one of the various sea beasts in Subnautica is about to go deadly is crucial to surviving beneath those strange waves. Knowing when to back up and get out of there fast before a big fish decides that you're next on the lunch menu needs to be clear and concise to players, especially in Hardcore Mode where Permadeath is your primary concern at all times.
The Gargantuan Leviathan has a particularly noticeable tell when it's about to turn aggressive and swallow you whole. Its tentacles, tongue, and eyes glow brightly as it turns, screaming loudly before swallowing players with its massive maw.
When you see the creature doing this, stop whatever you're doing and just start swimming away as fast as you possibly can.
11 It Lurks In The Darkness
Being in the ocean at night is terrifying enough, but imagine bobbing around down in the darkness when you know there's a gigantic super-predator out there. Juveniles of this beast can be found cruising around in the silty shallows, but if you want to play with the big boys then you need to head to The Void. A good tip is to bring a strong vehicle like The Cyclops, not only can it withstand high temperatures and pressure, it can also soak up a lot of damage.
In this pitch-black abyss, the real monsters slowly cruise. It's incredibly terrifying to think you're alone down there in the inky blackness, zipping along with the spotlights illuminating the void, only to hit the sonar and see it ping off this creature's massive body and jaws just a few feet away.
10 Its Body Is Mostly Tentacles
The designs of the various creatures lurking in the depths of Subnautica are all incredible and they really nail the strange and alien look of creatures from another world. Whilst some are more complicated than others, the Gargantuan Leviathan's design is neat yet spine-tingling.
At its front is a gigantic mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth, the rest of its body is a long curling mass surrounded by tentacles making it a confusing twirling ball of death that can give off some eery Lovecraftian vibes at times.
9 There's More Than One Of Them
Most Leviathans tend to spawn sporadically throughout specific areas on the map, juveniles tend to be the most common whilst adults usually roam around alone or in groups of two in the case of the Ghost Leviathans in The Grand Reef.
However, since the Gargantuan Leviathan is a mod in development it spawns quite a number of them. Even at the Juvenile end of the spectrum, these beasts are massive, and with multiple appearing in one location, it can get a little crowded with all the swirling tentacles. Currently, the adults spawn in the deepest part of the map, so bring plenty of Oxygen if you plan on paying these giants a visit.
8 It Could Become More Terrifying

The Leviathan designs in Subnautica that were made by the developers are pretty terrifying and the mod team has outdone themselves in making something truly monstrous for those alien depths.
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As the mod has gone on since it was first created, the abilities of this monster beneath the waves have only gotten stronger and more diverse. With continued development still planned, no doubt this will become a boss-tier creature that could cause some serious scares to unprepared swimmers.
7 It's Not Friendly

Whilst there are large fish in Subnautica that are friendly, such as the aptly named Cuddlefish, or the majority of the herbivores like the Boomerang or Bladderfish, there are still hostile swimmers in those seas to contend with. The Leviathans for the most part tend to be aggressive.
The Gargantuan Leviathan is just the same as its smaller relatives, although you can get pretty close to this massive beast, once it notices you're there it immediately goes on the attack. So try to keep your distance.
6 The Tentacles Can Grab You
One of the most terrifying moments of meeting a Leviathan in Subnautica is the moment it rushes at you and attacks. The sheer size of their massive jaws is enough to make any seasoned diver freeze up in fright. Each one has its own preferred method with some being more brutal than the others.
For example, the Reaper Leviathan will rip players out of their protective suits or subs before swallowing them whole. The Gargantuan's preferred method is to try and swallow you whole with its massive mouth, whilst easy to avoid its trailing tentacles can still grab the Cyclops and the Sea Moth easily and swing them around like toys, lining them up for a big bite from those huge jaws.
5 The Mod’s Progress Is Slow

The development of the Gargantuan Leviathan Mod for Subnautica is an odd one. For a long time it seemed like it had stalled out, then abruptly since its announcement in 2020, it was redeveloped from the ground up, twice. There has been news that the team is still working on it, and there were seven devs on the team doing their best, but that was back in 2021.
In 2024 we’re looking at a much smaller team. There’s a genuine concern amongst the community that’s waited for it to come out for four years, compounded by the lack of access, that the pace has stalled out once again. Updates are currently small feature creeps with the biggest one being in February of 2023.
4 There Is A Discord You Can Join

For those curious about the development of the Mod and would like to hear it from the proverbial horse's mouth, there is a Discord group you can join. Here the developers post the latest plans for the game, update when there are new features, and generally interact with the community.
Unfortunately, there is a small stipulation, it’s invite-only though. But, we have the link to it (Right Here) and once you join you’ll see updates from the development team on the progress of the Mod as well as a helpful FAQ that covers what you need to know about the Mod.
The Discord isn’t updated too regularly, but if you have access to the Mod it can help you get started with it as well as fill you in on what to expect going forward.
3 How To Access The Mod

When the Gargantuan Leviathan Mod for Subnautica was first announced, a lot of people became very excited to play it. Unfortunately, at the time, it was restricted to just Youtubers or Streamers who would in turn advertise the mod. So the only way for most people to experience it was through someone else.
That’s all changed now. To access the Mod you just need to support the developers on Patreon. Make of that what you will, but if you’re desperate to finally get your hands on this mod and you want to help a small team of developers, then head on over to their Patreon.
2 The Mods Name Has Changed Once Again

When this mod first launched it was simply called the Void Mod. Over time it changed and changed again from Void Overhaul to eventually Gargantuan Leviathan Mod. For a time it stayed like that before changing five other times before finally settling on something much more suitable.
The mod is now called “Return Of The Ancients”. Which is fitting as the Leviathan in the mod itself is quite the old sea beast. The reason behind the name change is that over time the Mod became more of a pack. So it made sense to make it something more general instead of being one singular focused add-on.
1 There’s More Content Than Just The Leviathan

On the subject of extra content, the types of things added to Subnautica through the Return Of The Ancients Mod is quite interesting and impressive considering how small the development team is. Though the addition of new content has slowed to a crawl, what’s there is not too bad.
For example, there’s the massive Leviathan which is the main selling point. Plus, there are also other fish like the Alpha Peeper, a strange iridescent Angel Fish-looking creature. You can also expand your arsenal a little with unique modules for your Seamoth, Prawn Suit, and Cyclops as well as explore new areas and build new items and objects for your undersea base.
There are also new unique in-game events, alien terminals, achievements, and much more.
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