[Top 5] Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Best Hunting Horn (And How To Get Them) (2025)

Play the song of life.

There are few weapons that do blunt damage in Monster Hunter and even fewer weapons that you could say support your teammates. The hunting horn is a weapon that does both and is great at both. As a player, it's always reassuring to see a hunting horn user pop into my quest. It's even better when I see them with one of these hunting horns:

5. Horn of the Indomitable+

Anjanath Never Disappoints | Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

When thinking about hunting horns you have to consider the songs as much as the stats. Its attack is good and can be made better with the attack up song. The slots are decent for a good skill and it can help the team with surviving using health up and stamina recovery up. The bit of purple sharpness doesn't hurt either. This is the last weapon on the Anjanath upgrade tree and needs material from a 3* Anomaly quest.

  • Has songs that are always useful.
  • A good amount of blue and white sharpness.

Full Details: https://monsterhunterrise.wiki.fextralife.com/Horn+of+the+Indomitable++

4. Abyssal Hollow

Sunbreak Final Boss - Gaismagorm Hunt

The Abyssal Hollow is a bit more straightforward than the previous hunting horn. Its songs focus on boosting both raw and elemental damage. Combined with its high natural attack and sharpness this weapon is made for just going in and hitting big numbers while enabling your team to do the same, no matter the damage type. The added ability to negate blights makes this good against element-focused monsters. This weapon is made from material from the Gaismagormof the campaign.

  • A lot of purple sharpness so no need to worry about sharpening much.
  • Two attack boosting skills so elemental and raw builds are both supported.

Full Details: https://monsterhunterrise.wiki.fextralife.com/Abyssal+Hollow

3. Magician's Allure

[MHRise PC] Malzeno - 3'29 - Hunting Horn

Here is a hunting horn where the songs vastly improve the weapon. While this weapon does have a nice level 4 decoration slot, it's nothing compared to the value of its songs. Sharpness regeneration and sharpness loss reduced are a combination of skills that can see you forgoing whetstones entirely in a hunt and maintaining that precious purple sharpness. The last song being earplugs just solidifies this as an even more aggressive weapon than the last. This is on Malzeno's weapon tree and needs material from the MR 100 monster, Scorned Magnamalo.

  • Two incredible songs for melee weapons, enabling more aggression.
  • A level 4 decoration slot.
  • It looks really cool. (Let me have this.)

Full Details: https://monsterhunterrise.wiki.fextralife.com/Magician's+Allure

2. Tigrex's Roar+

Tigrex Solo Lance -5:02- Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

This weapon, like all Tigrex weapons, can achieve great damage numbers. While its sports low amounts of all three highest sharpness the damage of the weapon isn't to be underestimated. Using attack up and sonic wave this weapon shines as a contender for the best raw damage of any hunting horn. Sonic wave ignores a monster's defense, doing a set amount of damage and can be spammed reliably when combined with other combos. While it has earplugs it is a more selfish hunting horn. You would follow the Tigrex tree and hunt 4* Anomaly quest to craft this weapon.

  • Has Sonic wave which ignores defense.
  • Good natural damage.
  • Capable of competing for best damage hunting horn.

Full Details: https://monsterhunterrise.wiki.fextralife.com/Tigrex+Roar++

1. Fine Kamura Flute

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak - Anomaly - Afflicted Kulu-Ya-Ku - Light Bowgun

The best things are frequently the simplest. The Fine Kamura Flute is good in a very straightforward way. It has good attack, slots, and songs. The songs in particular are the most basic which means they are the most reliable. With attack up, defense up, and health recovery + antidote there are no situations where this horn has a useless song. A bonus is that it's simple to craft as you only need to be able to do 1* Anomaly quest and follow the Kamura upgrade tree.

  • Has a level 4 decoration slot.
  • Three songs that are all useful for yourself and your teammates.
  • Decent sized purple sharpness.

Full Details: https://monsterhunterrise.wiki.fextralife.com/Fine+Kamura+Flute

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[Top 5] Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Best Hunting Horn (And How To Get Them) (2025)


Is teostra hunting horn good? ›

Teostra's blast effect is universally good, but the low hit rate of the horn isn't going to help its application much. Astalos, Kushala, and Music Box each have Thunder, Ice and Dragon element, helping their damage in a small way.

Is hunting horn a good weapon MHR? ›

It's an easy go-to weapon for anyone looking to be a team player more than a pure DPS hound. Hammer has better numbers for KO application, but HH seems to be stronger in most other categories. Like, damage output included, not just the extra utility from song buffs.

Can hunting horn cut tails in Monster Hunter rise? ›

Being a blunt weapon, it is normally impossible to cut tail of monsters, unless deliberately using the Hilt Stab attack.

What is the best skill for Hunting Horn? ›

Try getting Attack Boost., Horn Maestro, and Weakness Exploit. Horn maestro is a must have. Slugger and Stamina Thief are great as well, even in multiplayer with the amount of hits you will be dishing to both the head and everywhere else that monster will get ko'd super fast and be forever hungry and slow.

What is the strongest weapon type in Monster Hunter Rise? ›

The Longsword IS the best weapon in Monster Hunter Rise full stop and Sunbreak didn't change that. It's not the easiest for new players but is devastating once you master it.

Is Hunting Horn good for solo MHR? ›

But to answer your question, yes, HH is pretty good in solo hunts. Originally posted by DaBa: Every weapon was always "viable" solo.

What armor is good for Hunting Horn? ›

Best Armor for High Rank
  • Zinogre Helm - Critical Eye + Latent Power.
  • Zinogre Mail - Critical Eye + Latent Power.
  • Nargacuga Braces - Evade Extender + Evade Window.
  • Nargacuga Coil - Evade Extender.
  • Volvidon Greaves - Evade Extender.
Apr 8, 2021

What is the hardest monster to fight in Monster Hunter rise? ›

Bleeding aside, the Seregios still proves to be one of the toughest, albeit most entertaining, fights of the franchise. It reprises this role in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, adding to the mayhem by appearing in maps like Sandy Plains, where hunters are already at risk of losing health due to heat.

What is the hardest weapon in Monster Hunter rise? ›

The Charge Blade is considered one of the most complicated weapons in the game, and rightfully so. At the same time, it is one of the most damaging variants in the game as well — which also provides stellar defensive and mobility options.

Is there a scythe in Monster Hunter? ›

The Scythe is always linked with a mini bowgun (that resembles a pistol) that can be used for ranged shots at distant monsters at a much higher fire rate than any of the standalone bowguns, or can be shot at a monster during a combo with the scythe itself.

What is the best heavy bowgun in rise Sunbreak? ›

Chaotic Gore Magala HBG is the king of raw bowguns right now. While it has one less clip size than Scorned Magnamalo's HBG, it has 50% affinity when overcoming the frenzy, which is around 90% uptime with bloodlust. Natural affinity is great because with pierce you won't always be hitting weak zones to proc WEX.

What is the highest rarity weapon in MHR? ›

Rarity 10 weapons are the most powerful gear in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. While they aren't available during the main story, this high-level gear will be needed for post-game challenges. Having at least a few fully upgraded items will help with Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreaks super bosses.

What is the most used weapon in MHR? ›

The Long Sword is one of the most iconic weapons in the Monster Hunter series. Being one of the most widely used weapons in the game, it has received quite a few notable additions, which enhance its mobility and charge damage output significantly.

How do you get Timeworn crimson horn in Sunbreak? ›

The Timeworn Crimson Horn is a crafting material in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak that can be collected while fighting the recently added Daimyo Hermitaur monster at Master Rank. A Daimyo Hermitaur is a giant crab-like creature with a massive shell on its back.

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