Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (2024)

October 17, 2023 / Frank Nez

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Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More.

Community, I’m going to be updating this list of momentum stock and their short interest and utilization daily (AMC short interest, BBIG, MULN, BIOR, GME, APE, and many others).

Be sure to bookmark this page for daily AMC short interest updates and more.

Other metrics being updated daily will include the cost to borrow, shares on loan, + short squeeze scores.

If there are other heavily shorted stocks you’d like me to update daily, please leave a comment below and I’ll be sure to look into them before adding them to the list!

– Frank Nez

Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (2)

What has investing in the stock market taught you?

— Frank Nez 🇺🇸 (@FNez_Blogger) July 16, 2023
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40% of Americans Now Worry They Can’t Pay Their Bills

#1. MMAT Short Interest

Short Interest: 10.73% | Utilization: 90.77 | Cost To Borrow: 17.05 | Shares On Loan: 39.24 Million | Days To Cover: 9.03

MMAT Short Squeeze Score: 84

(Updated Daily)

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🚨 MARKETS: Senator Inquiries Now Grow in The MMTLP Scandal$MMTLP #MMTLP

— Frank Nez 🇺🇸 (@FNez_Blogger) September 28, 2023

#2. AMC Short Interest Today

Short Interest: 7.80% | Utilization: 47.70 | Cost To Borrow: 1.79 | Shares On Loan: 22.26 Million | Days To Cover: 1.22

AMC Short Squeeze Score: 57

(Updated Daily)

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🚨 BREAKING: AMC CEO Now Identified As Extortion Bid Victim$AMC #AMCARMY

— Frank Nez 🇺🇸 (@FNez_Blogger) October 12, 2023

#3. GME Short Interest

Short Interest: 20.52% | Utilization: 85.30 | Cost To Borrow: 2.96 | Shares On Loan: 72.73 Million | Days To Cover: 24.36

(Updated Daily)

GME Short Squeeze Score: 86

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GameStop is Now Running Without a CEO and CFO$GME #GME

— Frank Nez 🇺🇸 (@FNez_Blogger) July 28, 2023


Short Interest: 19.70% | Utilization: 88.31 | Cost To Borrow: 15.55 | Shares On Loan: 73.37 million | Days To Cover: 1.35

(Updated Daily)

MULN Short Squeeze Score: 75

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🚨 MARKET NEWS: Mullen Appoints A New Chief Strategy Officer to Strengthen Company$MULN #MULN

— Frank Nez 🇺🇸 (@FNez_Blogger) October 9, 2023


Short Interest: 25.37% | Utilization: 96.03 | Cost To Borrow: 10.99 | Shares On Loan: 355.08 Million | Days To Cover: 10.86

(Updated Daily)

LCID Short Squeeze Score: 86

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Related: This is What’s Stopping AMC From Squeezing Today

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40% of Americans Now Worry They Can’t Pay Their Bills


Community, Investing News, Momentum Trading, Stock Investing

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  1. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (11)


    But your reported SI shows 8%. much lower than AMC. Where are you seeing it higher than AMC?

  2. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (12)


    Thanks Frank. Can you add the outstanding share information too?

  3. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (13)

    Kathy Hicks

    The fbi is more concerned on Trump. They are scamming the whole world with Biden disgrace of democracy. They all need to go. All these investors and banks are in on the government and they continue to get rich.

  4. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (14)

    Kathy Hicks

    The FBI is the most corrupt it’s ever been. God forbid.

  5. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (15)

    Ron Mecca-Dahle

    Please add MMTLP to your list,
    and GTII, and GNS.
    Thank you for all your help.

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (16)


      Thanks for all u do for all communities! You truly are fighting to get fair honest info out & it’s appreciated.

      Would you consider looking into both $LAES, the sister Co to & $WKEY. They have a partnership w Elon/Starlink releasing the FOSSA-powered satellites. Low float, Swiss Co, Laes was a free divie & truly free, just joined the Nasdq June 1 I believe it was. Wkey wants to do another r/s & hasn’t recovered from the last. And then all these outstanding sh w Laes that weren’t issued…what am I missing? Would love to hear your opinion on $WKEY & $LAES if you can.

      Regardless keep up the GREAT work! And thank u for the continuous free, but we should be donating, info!

  6. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (17)


    It matters and it matters even more when shills comment negatively towards AMC

  7. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (18)


    Does this even matter Frank? The corruption has continued and will continue for quite some time. The true value of AMC has been stifled for a very long time. What makes you think this will stop? Adam Aron is diluting his shares when he doesn’t have too, is he corrupt too? Should he step down? I wish he would. Do you agree that until the FBI gets involved nothing will change?

  8. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (19)

    Elvin Villalobos

    What’s the difference between the CTB info you provide of 251 vs. what’s being reported by others of over 1000 +/- % ??

  9. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (20)

    John Myers

    Would you please update green globe international Inc., GGII. Thank you.

  10. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (21)

    Robert Ballard

    I have asked the same question today on another post. I hope Frank will give the explanation.

  11. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (22)

    Barry Novotny

    Why the slight drop in Short Squeeze Score on AMC? Down to 89.

  12. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (23)

    Barry Novotny

    Please explain the short squeze score. For example, you have AMC at 90 or 91, is that good or bad? What is the max and minimum and what does it need to be to trigger a squeze?

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (24)

      Barry Novotny

      Hi Frank, please give us some context as to what the meaning of short squeeze score means. For example, you have AMC with a SSS of 90. Does that mean a squeeze is likely, or maybe imminent, or maybe not likely any time soon? What is the range, 0-100? What is good versus what is bad? Or better yet, what means likely versus not likely? I love your content and your posts. Please continue to keep us informed. Regards, Barry

  13. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (25)

    Robert Ballard

    Please provide the purpose, importance for each of the numbers and how those numbers determine your short squeeze score for people who are new investors (3th grade education). Trying to explain it to my granddaughter.:

    Short Interest:
    Cost To Borrow:
    Shares On Loan:
    Days To Cover:
    Short Squeeze Score:

  14. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (26)

    Jesse De La Cruz

    How does short interest drop from 25% to 15% with APE and price not go up. Confused

  15. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (27)


    Is APE being shorted heavily? I heard it is higher SI than AMC

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (28)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      Yes, it actually just passed AMC today by 5%. I will be updating and including APE’s SI here:

  16. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (29)

    David Henderson

    Amazing site! Thanks so much for compiling this list. Would you consider adding LCID? Tons of upcoming catalysts and growing short interest.

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (30)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      I will be adding soon – thanks for requesting.

  17. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (31)

    Alfredo Iznaga Moreira

    Frank, I can’t stop thanking you for all the information you offer us daily, I want to ask you if you can include on this page how the interest behaves in the short term of this new action, the APE? What if you could give your criteria for your behavior today and your future at your discretion?

  18. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (32)

    Al Musella

    Can you report on nwbo. I can’t understand what happened recently. They reported great results from their clinical trial and the stock dropped doesn’t make sense.

  19. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (33)


    Regarding AMC, it’s written days to cover 2.84. Is it 2.84 days from the last record date from Marketbeat? ?Or 2.84 days to cover from today?

  20. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (34)


    Thanks fie keeping this page updated! Great job!

    Can you add CVNA (Carvana Co.) to this page please

  21. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (35)


    Hi Frank, not sure why I can’t leave a comment but I’m able to reply to other comments. Are these 8-9 stocks the most shorted stocks on the market? With the highest short interest? What about NILE, CFVI, PHUN, and LLL? Appreciate your time and content so much. I’ve learned so much over the past year from your website- thank you!

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (36)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      Hi Francis,

      Thanks for your comment! These are not stocks with the highest short interest but rather heavily shorted stock the community has voted to get daily updates for. Happy to hear my website has provided you with value.

  22. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (37)

    Don Varenhorst

    Usually at what time do you update this webpage? I’d like to know bc I get on about an hour before the market opens and usually this page was from yesterday. In this case June 29th (today is the 30th). Could you please let me know so that I don’t come here hoping that it’s been updated already? lol I really appreciate it. I wish I could afford your patreon, but I’ve only got pennies to invest. Crazy world. Thanks!

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (38)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      I usually wait an hour or two after market opens for full updates

  23. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (39)

    Don Varenhorst

    11.80 CTB is a percentage rate, not dollar amount. So if they borrow shares (shorting) then they are paying a percentage rate of 11.8%.

  24. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (40)

    Robert Quinn

    What exactly does “Days to cover” mean? I see on has 0.17? AMC is 3.75. I don’t get what this means that number never changes

  25. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (41)

    Michael Fogarty

    I just asked this to you on Twitter before I noticed I could leave a message here. I am new to following you and I wondered if you have looked into RDBX at all. It is Red Box as you probably know but I heard yesterday that its short interest was 157% and cost to borrow was over 600%.. can you tell me where to find that data to verify this? And if it is accurate, is this a good (the next) squeeze play?

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (42)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      Hi Michael, looking at RDBX and it has a 162% SI, and 571 CTB. It is indeed heavily shorted. With enough buying pressure it could certainly cause it to squeeze.

  26. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (43)

    Lex M

    Hi Frank, quick question, are “days to cover” on related to days the market is open? Like regular business days?

  27. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (44)

    Quoc-Sang Duong

    Thx for Mullen Update Mate 🙂

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (45)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      No problem 🤝

  28. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (46)


    Hi – can you explain days to cover? Can you use amc as an example where you say above 2… days. What does that mean? Thank you so much and great content

  29. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (47)



  30. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (48)

    Robert Weiss

    Frank am I understanding this right on BBIG the cost to borrow on a short sale is 11.80
    like in $11.80 isn’t that extremely expensive.

  31. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (49)


    Frank thnx for the SI % like your articles 👍

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (50)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      Thanks John! 🤝

  32. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (51)



  33. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (52)

    Nick V.

    To everyone reading this, I strongly encourage you to join Frank’s paid Patreon site. I’ve been a member for a couple of months now and the information he provides is worth FAR more than the nominal $12 or so per month. Thanks Frank for all you do and keep up the great work me friend!!!!

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (53)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      I appreciate that Nick, much love brother 👊🔥

  34. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (54)

    Frank Nez (Post author)

    Done! I usually update the data on days the market is open.

  35. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (55)


    Hi Frank can you update the SHORT INTEREST ITS FROM FRIDAY…. 😜👍

  36. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (56)


    SENS is #5 on the short interest list. It was announced FDA approval for the 180 day Eversense is weeks away. In your opinion, do you see a potential gamma squeeze with SENS?

  37. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (57)


    Hi Frank,

    I was just checking SPCE.

    The short as percentage of float is listed as 16.62% based on Marketbeat and 18.83% based on Yahoo Finance as of Nov. 30, 2021.

    Days to recover is 2.8.

    At which point and according to what metrics can we time a possible short squeeze?

  38. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (58)


    Hey frank thank you for your great info & updates brother 👍

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (59)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      Thanks for reading the blog brother 🤝

  39. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (60)


    Hello Frank, could you tell me what the most important thing is to look out for on these shorted stocks; the short interest, cost to borrow, utilization of shares on loan? I can’t make that out.
    If AMC squeezes I am planning to invest a bit of money in another shorted stock because I love the community and the tension this year on AMC.
    It’s getting pretty excited now with AMC. I’m looking forward to your answer. Thanks.

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (61)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      Hi Rob, the short interest is basically the percentage of the entire float that’s being shorted. It’s important because it can be viewed as the ‘juice’ AMC has to runup. As shorts begin to cover, the short interest percentage will drop. It fluctuates from time to time but it’s a good indicator to how shorted the stock is. Thanks for commenting!

  40. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (62)

    Jennifer Snider

    What do you think about the SI of CRTX?

  41. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (63)


    Can you explain why shares on loan has dropped over the last several weeks from 113m to 86m and yet the price drops? Is it possible that Hedgefunds have found a way to circumnavigate a potential MOASS?

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (64)


      Would be useful to know..

  42. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (65)


    how about Evfm

  43. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (66)

    Raished Yahia

    Hey Frank. I’m invested in AMC and SNDL and hoping for big gains in both but another I have heard some SI buzz about is PROG which shot up alot over this week so maybe you could run the numbers on it. Thanks for what you do.

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (67)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      I will include PROG in the list, thanks 🤝

  44. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (68)

    Scott Blackburn

    Thank you for all you do. Any chance to get the short interest data before the market opens each day so we can know breed where we stand with AMC going into the trading day?

  45. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (69)


    Hi Frank , can you check pls HTRX ?

  46. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (70)


    Hi Frank, can you check HTRX and what is your suggestion ?

  47. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (71)


    Update on $ANY stock?

  48. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (72)

    Ewan Burns

    Hi Frank. I read fintel scores ATIF as highest short squeeze score, any ideas if that’s correct or worth looking into? Thanks for the good work

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (73)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      Hi Ewan,

      I see the utilization is actually 100 right now with 103.90k shares on loan.. I will certainly look into it.

      • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (74)

        Ewan Burns

        Thanks Man!

  49. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (75)

    Ilir Balazhi

    whats with $BB

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (76)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      BB short interest: N/A, Utilization: 14.08, Cost To Borrow: 0.78, Shares On Loan: 33.10

  50. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (77)

    Hans im Glück

    What about BB?

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (78)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      BB short interest: N/A, Utilization: 14.08, Cost To Borrow: 0.78, Shares On Loan: 33.10

  51. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (79)


    Hey Frank. What about ANY short squeeze?

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (80)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      Utilization for ANY is at 90% but short interest is at 3%

  52. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (81)

    Jakob ry

    Hey Frank the for tour god Work, what about CEI. BBIG AND ZEV

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (82)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      Hi Jakob,
      BBIG is on the list. ZEV = 97 Utilization and 19.62 short interest
      CEI = 89 Utilization and 5.28 short interest

  53. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (83)


    What about ttcf?

  54. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (84)

    I don’t know

    Hey Frank👋🏻. What about ATER as a short squeeze?

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (85)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      ATER added to the list

  55. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (86)


    Hello Frank, can you explain to me where to pay attention to; SI, Cost to borrow, utilization and shares on loan?. What does it say these numbers and percentages? I’m trying to find out, as an new investor, what’s important to find out if and what shares first needs to be covered by the HF. Thanks in advance. Greetings from Holland

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (87)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      Greetings Rob, short interest is the percentage of the float that’s being shorted and has not been covered, cost to borrow is the fee from the broker, utilization is how much of the float is being loaned, shares on loan are the actual number of shares that are being loaned.

  56. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (88)


    Frank, the numbers from AMC Stonk-O-tracker on the shares available to borrow are way off or wrong. I consulted Ortex and they told me the formula to calculate it is: (shares on loan)/utilization – (Shares on loan). (107.74M)/0.9339-107.74M=7.63M. So, currently there are still 7.6 million AMC shares available to borrow according to Ortex data. BBIG has about 3.43 Mil shares available to borrow. Thought you like to know.

  57. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (89)


    Thanks Frank! This is awesome.
    Are the shares on loan the amount of shares shorted? Just wondering if theres a way to estimate how high these have potential to go.

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (90)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      Hi Brandi, the shares on loan are the number of shares that are being borrowed. The SI is the percentage that’s being shorted. Thanks for commenting 🤝

      • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (91)


        Thanks so much!

  58. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (92)

    vic g-man

    MMAT- Meta-Materials 34% short, only 1.2B market cap, 6.3 held by Institutions , average volume 100k, last three days over 200M shares traded fast moving averaged crossed over 50day and 200day today, dancing around $4.40sh.

  59. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (93)


    Thank you Frank. How about Any? Sphere 3D

  60. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (94)


    Thank you Frank! What about CLOV?

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (95)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      Added to the list!

  61. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (96)

    Fernando Marrón Carvajal

    Hi frank!!! What about NAKED? I think that this stock could be very interesting?

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (97)


      Naked is frustrating, almost seems like a snail. If I might compare.

  62. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (98)

    Rob Staite

    So are you saying their are other squeezes going to happen before AMC does?

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (99)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      They may happen before, at the same time, or after. I can’t say for sure. However, multiple plays will be skyrocketing 🚀

  63. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (100)



    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (101)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      SENS added ✅ SOLO = 19.46% SI … FSR = 26.26% SI

  64. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (102)


    Thanks for the info. I appreciate all you do for the community!

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (103)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      🤝 thanks Mark

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (104)


      Frank that “short squeeze channel” on YouTube is so on target of what’s going on man

  65. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (105)

    Frank Chsker

    how about XELA technology

    • Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (106)

      Frank Nez (Post author)

      This one has a low SI of 2.61%, Utilization at 41.43

  66. Free Live Daily Updates: AMC Short Interest Today + More (107)

    Frank Nez (Post author)

    Thank you!

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Name: Domingo Moore

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