Las Vegas Daily Optic from East Las Vegas, New Mexico (2024)

Along The Banks Of The Gallinas WAITER VIVIAN ALNG 'THE BANKS Gg.Na 'The pedestrian many be wrong but doesn't deserve death tence. Official debut of Summer was rather chilled over most at the 11: tion: yesterdas. SweDIS Old Man Winter was on the reception committee. Saturday the toLION boys played host to some vi the boost ing fraternity. Beans and chili were served there was Reunion trik and then the lads and lassles engaged in 242! evening of stomping which went over right Mose Chesher was prepul evening.

Further gather -arounds are sintfor the near future with: time enough there ought fu br some Reunion spirit injected 31210 the village. Today's whisper for whiskers goes to Roy (grows more hair. on face: than 071 Scelinger who Alipounces he 15 out to garner some prize cash in; the board derby. Today's loud shout for 12 loud shirt to Tom. Kindel who sported pink shirt of IL right bright hue.

which sets hi: whiskers off sharp)y." Yesterday's golfing 011 the fair: side. although we admit much rustiness from lack of Glen Wade, former Vegas City champ and runner up in St. Louis last year, played holes with the boys he can still put 'em a long way down the tairways. Shots. of the day honors went to Lefty Hallberg who decided that number four ought to be played from over the Tonight softball is scheduled to start.

Games are to be played four nights per week. Lend your support and help put this 20-30 club projeet across, Now that the federal government has a law to niake folks work, guess we'll all have to get busy that stranger might be a oman hanging around to sec. that we all put, in: a fair day's laboring. BOWLING well. Romrodder of the hairy past highlight or the Team Standings A League Pe.t Goodrich -C.

7 .875 Casino 5 03 .625 Tri Pi 5 3 .625 Johnson Automotive 5 00 .625 Brown Brothers 3 5 .375 Columbia Cafe 3 5 .375. Sperry and Sons 5 .375 Camp Luna 1 7 .125 High Five: Hovland 189: Lovato. 188: Schiele. 188: Fulgenzi 185: Hosford 173. League Pct.

Southern Mortgage 25 11 .694 DeMolas 23 13 .839 Tauperts 14 411 I Snomed 22 14 .611 Santa Fe 22 14 Watson Flying Service 22 14 .611 Cowboys 21 15 .583 Highlands 20 16 .5515 (as Vegas Gas 18 18 .590 Wayne Jewelers 17 19 .472 'Werley Motors 15 21 .417 Vegans 13 23 .361 Melody Five 6 .167 University Faculty :6. 30 167. High Five: 169: Thomas 163: McCracken 161: Scott. 160; Metcalf. 15R.

DE VARGAS PROCESSION IS HELD IN SANTA FE Santa Fe, June 23 (AP) The sceend of Santa. Fe's two annual DeVorgas processions was held yesterday. with hundreds of Catholic faithful, little participating. statue of "La Conquistadora" was returned yesterday from Rosarlo Chapel. which stands approximately on the camp site used by Capt.

Cien. Don Diego De Vargas 1:1 1602 0.5 A base for his bloodless reconquest of Santa T'c, to St. Francis Cathedral. The little. figure of the Virgin Mary, said to be the same as that carried by De Vargas, will remain in a side chapel of 'the cathedral for another year.

It was taken tc Rosario the week before. Two processions are held annually to fulfill a promise ninde by Vargas in thanksgiving for his bloodless campaign. Op Nora Monday, 1347 WHAT BEGINS WHERE? WE CAN'T IGNORE THE ANGUISH OF OUR WORLD NEIGHBORSWE'LL HAVE TO HELP DRIVE THE WOLF FROM THEIR DOORSUNCLE! UNCLE! LOOK HEREIN YOUR OWN YARD! NAVAJO INDIAN THE US Saga TREATY RESERVATION STARVATIONS AND LUNCH FOR FAWN Four Carolyn Jean Morey of Millinocket, feeds a week-old fawn after a game warden found it in the woods. Its mother. chased away by dogs.

had left the fawn behind. GOVERNOR WILL BE HERE FOR COWBOYS Governor in a letter received by Tom' Kindel, secretary of Leonard. Hoskins Post 24, American Legion, today accepted an tion to be here for the Cowboys' Reunion. The governor stated that he would like, to be here for all of. the thice day show, but that press of business probably would prevent 1 his attendance each day: However, he said he would definitely be present for the opening day's events, Aug1st 1.

SUSPENDED. SENTENCE I ON BAD 'CHECK CHARGE A suspended sentence of: from one year to 15 months in the state prison' was pronounced against Julian R. Trujillo of Las Vegas, convicted by jury June 10 of. bad cheek charges, in a court. session held by Judge L.

E. Condillons the suspension. include two years' probation. Other' court business conducted last week in connection with the June term included dismissal of an appeal filed by Eumelia Archulela from justice of the peace. court and the discharge of Jose Lucero from a peace bond.

LODGE LEADER, DIF.S Albuquerque, June 23. (AP) WelFar L. Elser, Masonic lodge lepder and former head of the Now Mexico A pnd College extension department, died at. his home hore yesterday. He was 60.

Funeral services were set for this afternoon. Burial will be at LAs Crates. OPTIC advertising pays. Try an: OPTIC Classifted. be provided by a large standing force.

And, to quote the directly, the program would reduce as far as possible disruption of normal family life which Inevitably atthe calling of young men from their homes in the nainterest." In another paragraph it met an obvious obto compulsory training by saying that "we are conthat it is entirely possible to provide for American a wholesome, moral, and 'religlous environment in camps." It pointed to the widely -publicized experlunit at Fort Knox in substantiation of this. The report 15 448 pages in length, and a brief summary touch only the high spots. The big point is the commiesomber belief that preparedness for war on -a scale attempted by this country in time of peace is absolutely if we are not to risk the chance of being exterminated. 9 LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC vomber 2, 1613) PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Publisher: Optic Publishing Company. Inc.

Manager: IT. W. Kane Business Manager: P. B. Dailey Editor: Walter T.

Vivian MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Aesociated Press is entitled exclusively to the use far republication all the loca! news printed in this newspaper, as well as all AP news! dispatches. 'n: SUBSCRIPTION RATES By mail to any point in the United States or Canada. By carrier to any address in the City or Town of Las Vegas. WEEKLY BY .20 ONE YEAR 17.50 ONE MONTH .80 THREE MONTHS. 2.10 BIX MONTHS YEAR BY MAIL 8.50 TELEPHONE Business Office or News Room No, 2 or 3 Entered as Second Class Matter at the Postoffice at Las Vegas, N.

under the Act of March 3. 1879 WILL. IT WORK? Ignoring a fervent plea from President Truman to uphold his veto of the raft-Hartley labor curb bill, the Senate this afternoon the presidential veto and placed the measure in the statute books. Senate action followed on the heels of House balloting which likewise favored the measure by more than two-thirds. Under the new law the government will have the power to issue injunctiens to halt national emergency strikes at least 80 days; closed shops are banned and other union activities sharply curbed.

Labor leaders join the president in predicting that the new law will not be workable and early reaction of unionists indicates that cooperation will not be forthcoming from organized labor. Along with the tax question, labor certainly will be a leading topic for the next general election campaing and by pointing to his pleas and his veto, President Truman, should he choose to run. will have a talking point to woo the large block of laber votes. Workability of the new law will be determined when the next national emergency strike is attempted and that time may not be too distant: It is certain that, the Taft-Hartley law is not all that could be desired from either industrial or union viewpoints. When it is first given testing.

there will be weaknesses demonstrated. Those weaknesses will have to be adjusted by future action of Congress. In the meantime, even a weak labor law is better than law at all insofar as industry-crippling strikes are con- MILITARY TRAINING The recent report of the President's Advisory Commission on Universal Training Is one of the grimmest and most, thought -provoking document ever made public in this country. There is certainly nothing new in compulsory military training--the armed services were urging it long before, World War IT began. But the' reasoning behind this reportwhich was the result of six months of study by the Commission--gives it an unusual degree of force.

So does the Commission's membership. It did. not include a single miliman or professional jingo. Its. chairman, was the distinguished physicist, Karl Compton, president of the Massa-.

chusetts Institute of. Technology. Other members included; Poling, editor of the Christian Herald; Charles president of General Electric; Dr. Harold Dodds, president of Princeton; and ex-ambassador to Russia Joseph, Davies. It is stated that, at the beginning, there.

was a wide versity of. opinion among the various members. But, at end, all of them came "reluctantly" to the same conclusion. conclusion consists of an eight-point security program of which compulsory training for all males at the age of or after finishing high school, is the keystone. That would affect from 750,000 to 950,000 young men each year, and vannual cost of this part of the program alone is estimated at $1,750.000,000.

The suggested training plan is an interesting one, in some respects it is novel. The Commission believes that should be placed under the control of a three-man commission, reporting directly to the President, of whom two would be'eivilians and only cne a military man. Training would in two parts. Part one would be of months duration, would consist of military training in an Army camp or aboard a Navy ship. Part two would offer a number of options, cluding: enlistment in the Army or Navy for a two-year period, enrollment in the National Guard or the Reserves with.

48 evenings 2 year of drill plus two-week periods summer: camps for three years, or enrollment in college R.OT.C. course In addition to this, the Commission feels that national security demands seven more ingredients: a united and formed nation; a coordinated intelligence service; stimulated scientific research and development; Industrial readiness war; an air force ready to strike on little notice; better ment and training for all the services; and unification the armed forces. It said that it viewed "with horror" total cost of this program, and could not estimate it. It added, the alternative was an "invitation to. The Commission: belies--as do all military authorities-; that the next war, if it comes, will arrive with unbelievable speed.

It observed that the obliteration of twelve American cities in a single day, along with essential communication, transportation, and power resources was not at all impossible. Ow monopoly. of atomic weapons, it said, will end 1951, and by 1955 an -out atomic attack could be mounted against us. The program it advocates would take six and perhaps longer to achieve significant results: So, if Commission's findings are correct, we must start in the future to prepare for the possibility of global war of cedented savagery and destructiveness. The report does not confine itself to atomic war.

It into consideration chemical and bacteriological. warfare along with the possibility of another war with traditional weapons. It found military forces are a shell." that the arn.y and air forces are virtually dismantled, and that at the present time the ground forces have not than 2 divisions available for combat duty. The Commission forecast that Its universal training program would produce a long list of benefits. First foremost, of course, it would provide a trained force could by rapidly absorbed into the services in time of gency.

and thus tremenodusly shorten the time necessary cffective mobilization. In addition, the report goes on, would improve the quality of the regular establishments peacetime: it would provide a large, trained group in community capable of dealing with problems of civilian tense and mass disaster in the event of bombing and attacks; it would help to channel young men into scientific and vocational training important to national defense, would give greater military strength at less cost FORMER ARMY OFFICER WHO WAS WITH BATTLE HAPPY DIVISION: PLANS TO RETURN TO GERMANY (By Ilal Boyle) San Francisco, June 23 (AP) The American frontler ls the world. One of the men who made it that In Europe is former Capt. Philly J. Sinnott.

of San Francisco liaison officer with the battle-happy Sixty-ninth. Infantry Division, He is an old friend from the war clays who wants to see what the has come to. The 691h: Division was an outfit new to battle which stumbled to Immortal glory by sealing the capture of Leipzig and contacting the Russian army vanguard in an un-. forgettable meeting which ended the European phase of World War Two along the river Elbe. The taking of Lelpelg 26 months AgO ture.

was The a Second dublors military adven-! Infantry Division a combat- outfit was pushing from: the west, but the 169th decided that the honor of capcuring this German stronghold must come to It. So. the division created a task force of some sixteen tanks and T85 doughboys and sent them in to clean out Nazi resistance and to take the fortified city hall. Only 65 doughboys were still in fighting condition when the task force finished battering in the city hall fortress, where the prisonkilled corpses of the burgomeister and his assistant as well as their wives and daughters bore testimony of the dramatic decline of the Nazi cause. It was a great charge that deserves to live in American military history A charge against the heaviest concentration of Germall anti- aircraft guns and small arms fire still existing in western Europe.

"Everybody was trying to climb into his helmet," recalled Capt. Sinnott. This blood-won was subsequently yielded up to Russian control under 3 previous grandscale military agreement that still exists. Americans won the territory under fire and gave it up. to Russlans who took it over without loss of life or military struggle.

The Russians are still there. Now 26-year-old Sinnott. his rank forsaken, is shipping as a yeoman on a ship leaving for Japan to 1 pick up German war prisoners destined for return to their father- IN CONVENTION LAW LIBRARIANS IN SANTA FE Santa Fe, June 23, (AP). registered in the capital today for the: four-day 40th annual convention the American Assoelation of Law. Libraries.

The convention opened. with an address of welcome. by Justice K. Sadter of the New Mexico Supreme Court and response by Price, law librarian of Columbia: New York City. and a member, of the Association executive committee.

Following' an address by Fanta Fe mayor Manuel Lujan, reports were heard from President Lauric H. Riggs. of the Baltimore. Bar Library and executive secretary-treasurer Helen M. S.

of New York City. An address by Frances Farmer. University of Virginia law librarIan, Charlottesville, and reports of committees: were on this afternoon's schedule. The delegates: are to be entertained mansion- at the executive by and Mrs.

Mabry. The Governor will speak at the annual banquet tonight at which Henry Hiker of Santa will be toastmaster. The banquet entertainment being provided by members of the Santa Fe County Bar Association. FIESTA QUEEN CONTEST FOR POUR UNDER WAY: contest Fourth of July ficata are now seeking votes in Greater Las Vegas. Three goung girls are contesting for the title of princess.

Queen contestants are Helen Gallegos; Andre Rivera; Dora Monto-ya; Connie Lucero; Julia Trujillo and Helen Herrera: Princess contestants are Judy Ann Sanchez; Punky Punk and Esther Griterrez. Victor Vigil, Junior Angel and Fernando are the in charge of the contest. The allied Veterans Club is sponsoring the contests. The queen will be crowned on the night of July 3. OPTIC pays land, "I want eventuntly to teach eco notnie geography." he said.

"and think the more I get around better." So he is going back as a kind scholarly seamun tourist to what has happened in two years the Germany he helped to defeat by force of orins in wartime. He thinks that something to tent many American keep he is the Informed key will ex-servicemen to on the since world will hopes come from half-forgotten sacrifices they Recent Deaths Mrs. Mycie M. Chandler Funcral services for the late Mrs. Chandler, wife of Chandler who passed away at.

her home at Romeroville on June 19th were conducted in the chapel -of the Johnsen Memorial Mortuary yesterday afternoon. The attendance of many friends and a large number. of relatives gave evidence of the esteem in which Mrs. Chandler was held. A beautiful floral offering covered the casket and chapel altar.

Rey. John Cole, pastor of the First Baptist Church officiated dat the services. Music. for the occasion was furnished by the church choir. The following friends served as pall bearers: N.

Lloyd, Carl Breuning, Roy Chaney, Dee Miller, W. G. Ogle and Leon Guy. Interment was made In Odd Fellows Cemetery. The following, all: children of Mrs.

Chandler were here for. the services: Mr. and Mrs. M. L.

Byers of Chugwater, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eardsley of Muleshoe, Texas. Mr and Mrs. Jack Thayer of Curtis, Nebraska and Mr.

and Mrs. G. Chandler of. Springfield, Colo. Mrs.

Rael Mrs. Teodorita Rael, widow of the late Zacarias Rael, passed. away fat her home at Chapelle, yesterday morning. Mrs. Racl, 59 years of WAs a native of Las Vegas.

She had made her home at Chapelle for number of years. She is survived by two sons, tain. Zacarias Rael, of the U. S. Army, who is now enroute from Okinawa and John Rael of Denver, Colorado, who was called here by his mother's illness.

Also by two daughters Miss Sophia Rael of. Chapelle: and Mrs. Luis Castellano of Denver, Colorado. and by two brothers Luis. Montoya of Cheyenne Wyoming and Ben Montoya of Los i Angeles, California, and sisters Mrs.

Simon Garcia of Los: An i geles and: Mr. Eugenio, Chapelle. Awaiting the. arrival of Rael from Okinawa, the remains are being hold at the Johnsen Memorial Mortuary. FERRIER WINS Detroit, June 23 (AP) Big Jim Ferrier, the transplanted Australian who makes his home in San Francisco, slammed his way Into the finals of the 29th Professional Golfers Association Championship today overwhelming Hawaiian-: born Art.

Bell. of Colma, 10 and 9 at Plum Hollow Club. It was the biggest. margin of victory of the tournament and equalled the record for 8 semi-finali match made last year when Ben Hogan defeated Jimmy Demaret by the same margin. DOUBLE CROSS Beverly Hills, June 23 (AP) -Police Chief C.

H. Anderson theorized today" that an underworld "double sponsible may have. been refor the gangster-style killing of Benjamin (Buggsle) Siegel, 42-year-old gambler. The chief said he had learned that Siegel suffered large loases recently at his Flamingo gambling club. In Las Vegas, and "in der to make good' Siegel, we believe, took a leading part in local under.

world transactions and someone arbor hie accused him of: double AUTHOR DIES Los Angeles, June 23, (AP) Author James A. (Jim) Tully, time hobo, prizefighter and circus He succumbed to tal June 11. Re bad been In health for two years. By DeWit MacKenie CAP Foreign Affairs History will receive a momentoi contribution when time finally: able to disclose, the conversations which must have been proceeding the Kremlin between Sovlet inter Stalin and his captains their search for an answer to' Anglo-French call to join in program of European economic habilitation proposed by 8. retary of State Marshall.

It was 3 tough question for Muscovites to decide, and they got as far as agreeing to discuss matter with France and Britain Parts. next Friday. Obviously Borte cooperation is essential for pean recovery. But diplomats other observers in the western mocraicies have expressed the that wholehearted Russian partico pation in the Marshall plan woul ho likely to slash a knife across. the roots of Communist expansion westward.

well, because Red ism thrives on economic political chaos stch as now Europe by the throat. The Kremlin's problem then been whether. Russia should sh*te to a policy which would hamstring one of the fondest hopes of original Bolshevist regline CODE munization of the world. Let reader put himself in Stalin's and seek an answer to that one. The Soviet Union already: declined to join Britain and rica in the economic rehabilitation of Germany key to continent: prosperity.

There has been a 500 what similar situation in though not so vital. However, picture in central Europe differ from that of western Europe. 1 ern. Germany and Austia enter to Moscow's project for the: estala lighment of a zone of security purposes. It v.

wouldn't cessarily follow that Russia Intend ed to apply this policy to all rope. But Moscow has kept its poses to Russia's hidden intentions in. respect of course have been crux of the whole situation. The represent the answer to the question which western democra long has wanted settled. namely a Has: Russla just about runts her ambitions in the way of: cot lishing her new zone of influence or Ir she bent 013 indefinite sion of Communism? So in effect this the quern which General Marshall's plan: 7 ed in such manner that couldn't be avoided.

Refusal to operate in putting Europe on feet would, in the vied of western democracy, mean that Russia: lended to play. a. lone band in interests of spreading and ipso facto, Moscow's influence over other nations. Authorities in the western cap tals are noting that it would possible for Russia to accept Invitation and then work to: feat the project. They base unhappy.

thought on events as the inability, of Four to. agree on OR, construction, and developments rather lack of them) on important matters in the United Nations curity. Council. The western All charge that these failures, were to deliberate obstruction by Rise staged -with the Idea of causing lays and thereby giving Moscow chance to strengthen its hand; Russia's indirect answer to charges has been along. the line an editorial in yesterday's Mos Pravda, Communist Party The paper declared that the Union desires to cooperate fully with other nations of the difference of economic tems." WEATHER WEATHER New Partly cloudy this afternoon, tonight and Tuesday; warmer: this afternoon and south BOY DROWNS BOY DROWNS Artesia, June 23.

(AP) A twoyear-old boy drowned in a swimming pool near. Artesia Saturday while his divorced. mother was at work close by. The child, Damon Lewis Roberwas found in the water at a "tourist camp. the Oasis, two miles west of here.

His Mrs. Burney Roberson, related: that friends with: whom she, left, the youngster came: into town as she was busy in the, cabins, state' policeman Lewls. said. POSTPONE HEARING for equip-: of i the But, about years the near unpre- takes hollow more and which emer-: to it in each deother and than Santa Fe; June (AP) A hearing scheduled for today on application by the Hot Eprings Telephone Company to increase its rats has been postponed to June 30, the State Corporation Commission announced. MIXING PLANT Los.

Alamos, June 23, Installation 811 electrically-controlled concrete mixing plant with a capacity' 'of 500 cubic yards every elght hours at the Los Alamos Atcmic: laboratory project was announced today by the McKee Con struction. Dan Nations, McKee representative from El Paso, also annuanced expansion of the firm's office quarters at the laboratory. Housing for company employes is also planned. WORKER KILLED Gallup, June 23 (AP) -Edmund Morales Munoz, 56, employed 'as 3 laborer on the Santa Fe railway, met death A few minutes after midnight Saturday night when he was struck by a. car driven by James Yoder, Police reported: that infor mation obtained.

by them indicated that Munoz attempted to cross highway 66 between CASA Linda and: Morro: Night. Club in front of the approaching car. He died en route the hospital, TO OPEN CLUB Santa Fe, June 23 (AP) Santa Alcoholica Anonymous will to 40 Albuquerque tomorrow night. for official opening of a club house by the Albuquerque group, Thirtyfive Are expected to make. the trip.

"TWO SMART PEOPLE" AND "WINTER WONDERLAND" COMING TO SERF WEDNESDAY! would report "the tends tional lection vinced youth training mental can son's never vital.

Las Vegas Daily Optic from East Las Vegas, New Mexico (2024)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.